We help scale-ups & corporate start-ups thrive in the digital era by building sustainable growth together.


We help digital service companies with their growth ambitions. We do this using Growth Hacking. More value, more customers.

Welcome to BAMMBOO.

Find out more about us at www.bammboo.io

Our approach

Sustainable growth can only be achieved by continuously creating more value for your customers. BAMMBOO therefore focuses on the entire customer journey. On the marketing side with a focus on sharpening the proposition and the growth of new customers. On the product side with a focus on improving the product and the growth of loyal customers. Growth requires an integral approach with a team of Digital Marketing specialists, Data Analysts and UX Designers.

The world is changing at the speed of data. This creates the need to be hyper-adaptive and gain insights about your customer, your product and the market. Those who can best adapt to this reality will grow fastest and most sustainably.

MORE ABOUT OUR APPROACH We work in growth sprints. Derived from agile and lean working principles combined with the pragmatic and effective techniques of Growth Hacking. Which starts with the most urgent priorities in your marketing/sales funnel: what refrains you from further growth? With a thorough experiment design process and our data driven approach we guide you and your team to achieve your ambitions. We support companies ranging from small startups to large corporates in their quest for scaleable business growth.

Some of the Growth Hacking services we offer:

• Set up and Implement Growth Hacking Framework. • Hands-on growth Hacking workshops, training and strategy. • Growth marketing / Lean Startup coaching. • Online lead generation. • Data dashboarding. Interim growth hackers and heads of growth on part-time and full-time basis. Set up and optimization of online advertising campaigns, SEO, marketing funnels and marketing automation. Investment audits for angel investors and venture capitalists. Bammboo has implemented succesful growth hacking processes with multiple companies using the number 1 CRM & marketing automation software tool HubSpot. You can find us at: http://bammboo.io We’re skilled in: SEO, SEA, SEM, Analytics, behavioural psychology, Conversion rate optimization, A/B testing, Funnel marketing, copywriting, UX, referral marketing, visual design, PPC, social advertising, email marketing, content marketing and way more online marketing related activities.

Website: http://bammboo.io

Phone 20 2440993

Headquarters: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands

Specialties: growth hacking, growth strategy, lean startup, SEO, SEA, Conversion rate optimization, Online advertising, Data analysis, A/B Testing, Marketing automation, Social media, Funnel marketing, Growth Architecture, customer development, Growth sprints, and content marketing.

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